Here in Sweden we have something called The holiday sales (I bet you have too?) and that's when they sell out the summer/autumn collection to a much lower price! And may I tell you - there can be fights over the most ridiculous clothing. Oh well... i'm amazed every single year how people behave and what they do for lower prices?? Geeeze...
Anyway... I was out on the town yesterday with two of my sisters (big family :-)) and my niece and I did some shopping. I bought 2 winter boots (and while being in the store ready to pay I was almost caught in the middle of a theft. The thief stood right next to me and may I tell you all... HE COULD'VE REALLY USED SOME OF TRACY ANDERSONS WORKOUT TIPS hahahaha. But he was pretty fast for being that big… hmm… )
Anyways… I bought these winter boots and now I just don’t like them. Well the UGGS I like but the other ones? Uhm naaa (I can’t return them either cus I’ve already walked in them :/) Darn it. I think I have to buy insoles cus oddly enugh the boots were too big when I got home haha.
I also bought a black sweater with holes in it. It sounds strange, I know, but it was nice :) And cheap… only 7 dollars :D
And today I found the tunic in the pics! It’s a size 38 european size that is. I don’t know what that is in English/American size. 4? 6? Maybe even 8??? :-O Haha anyway – the tunic was a bit small for me. You could almost see small loops between the buttons because of my boobies and of course… the hated lovehandles (I’m not ashamed at all… oh no!)
Original price was 349 SEK ($50) and now on sale it was only just 99 SEK ($13). Cheap!!
It's all about details ;-)
BUT… since I’m soon gonna start with the 30 days with TAM I figured that hey, “I’m gonna do some serious bootshakin’ here so I’m gonna lose the overweight anyways” So I went ahead and bought it haha! Smart thing I did here right? But coming to think about it… how many times haven’t I ordered something from an online store, with my size, (at least I thought it was at the time) and then gone and picked it up, happy about my new clothes, gone home to try it on and it’s TOO SMALL???? [some serious cursing here] and when I’m done cursing I tell myself that it’s OK… I’m gonna lose the weight anyway so I might as well just keep it cus it’s gonna fit p-e-r-f-e-c-t-l-y when I’ve lost it all haha. And how many years has it been?? Far too many.
But this time I’m gonna make it right?? I mean... now all of you on TAM’s FB-page can see my progress (or no progress, who knows?) if you want cus I’m gonna post EVERY DAY starting the January 3 2011. AND.. I'm gonna be foolish enough (or smart) to post the link on the FB-page hehe.
It’s 0.42 am here so I guess I have to go to bed.
Goodnight to ya'll and thanks for reading my blog. Don’t be afraid to leave a comment :) I LOVE comments, even if it’s just a Hi :)