Here in Sweden we have something called The holiday sales (I bet you have too?) and that's when they sell out the summer/autumn collection to a much lower price! And may I tell you - there can be fights over the most ridiculous clothing. Oh well... i'm amazed every single year how people behave and what they do for lower prices?? Geeeze...
Anyway... I was out on the town yesterday with two of my sisters (big family :-)) and my niece and I did some shopping. I bought 2 winter boots (and while being in the store ready to pay I was almost caught in the middle of a theft. The thief stood right next to me and may I tell you all... HE COULD'VE REALLY USED SOME OF TRACY ANDERSONS WORKOUT TIPS hahahaha. But he was pretty fast for being that big… hmm… )
Anyway... I was out on the town yesterday with two of my sisters (big family :-)) and my niece and I did some shopping. I bought 2 winter boots (and while being in the store ready to pay I was almost caught in the middle of a theft. The thief stood right next to me and may I tell you all... HE COULD'VE REALLY USED SOME OF TRACY ANDERSONS WORKOUT TIPS hahahaha. But he was pretty fast for being that big… hmm… )
Anyways… I bought these winter boots and now I just don’t like them. Well the UGGS I like but the other ones? Uhm naaa (I can’t return them either cus I’ve already walked in them :/) Darn it. I think I have to buy insoles cus oddly enugh the boots were too big when I got home haha.
I also bought a black sweater with holes in it. It sounds strange, I know, but it was nice :) And cheap… only 7 dollars :D

Original price was 349 SEK ($50) and now on sale it was only just 99 SEK ($13). Cheap!!

It's all about details ;-)
BUT… since I’m soon gonna start with the 30 days with TAM I figured that hey, “I’m gonna do some serious bootshakin’ here so I’m gonna lose the overweight anyways” So I went ahead and bought it haha! Smart thing I did here right? But coming to think about it… how many times haven’t I ordered something from an online store, with my size, (at least I thought it was at the time) and then gone and picked it up, happy about my new clothes, gone home to try it on and it’s TOO SMALL???? [some serious cursing here] and when I’m done cursing I tell myself that it’s OK… I’m gonna lose the weight anyway so I might as well just keep it cus it’s gonna fit p-e-r-f-e-c-t-l-y when I’ve lost it all haha. And how many years has it been?? Far too many.
But this time I’m gonna make it right?? I mean... now all of you on TAM’s FB-page can see my progress (or no progress, who knows?) if you want cus I’m gonna post EVERY DAY starting the January 3 2011. AND.. I'm gonna be foolish enough (or smart) to post the link on the FB-page hehe.
It’s 0.42 am here so I guess I have to go to bed.
Goodnight to ya'll and thanks for reading my blog. Don’t be afraid to leave a comment :) I LOVE comments, even if it’s just a Hi :)
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